
Six massage method

六大养生按摩技巧Six massage method A. Head massage: 头部按摩 Regain Consciousness with the function of cure headaches, Alzheimer's disease prevention and increased brain cell activity. 1. To hand thumb and other four fingers of the pulp, used to push the hair sentenced to press the way the wind pool to the occipital point, usually can be done in the same direction with a comb her hair several times. 2. Anrou occipital point: thumb Anrou hands on both sides of the wind pool, Fengfu to have soreness feel is appropriate. 3. How to squeeze the neck department: the index finger, middle finger, ring finger with the palm of your hand on the neck to draw the line of action, to draw the line next to the shoulder. Second, eye and face massage:眼脸按摩 For those who long to do close work, can eliminate or reduce eye fatigue, and prevent the decline of the eyes and bags under the eyes of the produce. 1. Orbital massage: hand index finger, or middle finger push eyebrows, the brow point the Department of Cuanzhu push to end the string and wind hole eyebrow. By the hands thumb and index finger, middle finger Anrou eye within the orbit after the next point, follow the upper and lower orbital bone pushed to the rear of Tongzi point, repeated for several times up and down, until only the eyes have a sense of soreness. 2. Anrou temples and nose next to the welcome of point, and then rub your hands palm, the palm close to the forehead, rubbed down with a point force to the Department under the chin, if rhinopathy, colds, runny or stuffy nose who may be the way to the middle finger up by the friction of point welcome to nasion Department, repeated about 10 times straight. 3. Palate, tongue stand up the Department, under the call-tooth gear up for the 20th consecutive action. C. Ear massage: 耳部按摩 Ear acupuncture points and with our body's internal organs are closely related, massage the ear not only strengthen the functionality of internal organs, it can also prevent tinnitus and impaired hearing. Rub the ears, hands thumb and index finger flexion, the ear for up and down rubbing action is appropriate to the ears red hot. D. Limb massage: 四肢保健按摩 Strengthen the hands of the metabolism, treatment of pain, and prevent the elbows, knees degradation. 1. From the shoulder to the arm to handle the Anrou hand 3, the song pool, Qu Ze and other points. 2. Mutual twisting hands index finger, rub the palms, back of the hand to the heat is appropriate. 3. Anrou thigh, knee, take the leg gastrocnemius. Click Zusanli, Yanglingquan, Sanyinjiao and other points, to a sense of soreness is appropriate. 4. The one hand and ankles with one hand and toes and do the actions of ankle rotation, 20-30. 5. Push springs: Rub hot feet quickly, can enhance renal function, to prevent cold feet. E. Waist massage: 腰部按摩 Hands and fist, with thumb metacarpal joint at the waist for rotating force Anrou, then wipe down hard palm move, to heat up the waist. Can do to bend, rotate the waist movement, in order to exercise the waist muscles. Sixth, strengthen the digestive function:加强肠胃功能 1. Mount belly: rub hands palm, the one attached to the navel on the palms, to the navel as the center in a clockwise direction for soft Mount abdominal movement, lasted about 2-5 minutes. 2. Belly rub: rub your hands from the lower edge of the ribs to the lower abdomen, abdominal suitable heat 按摩床主要是按摩头部,腰部和四肢,是人们居家养生的好助手 Massage bed's main role is to give people comfortable head massage,waist and limb massage.It is really best assistant of health promotion at home.

